Fullscript, our online supplement shop, allows us to select our favorite trusted products and share them with consumers.
Fullscript also lets us create recommendations and protocols to optimize our clients’ health while providing safe, high-quality supplements at discounted prices.
If you’ve got questions about figuring out what supplements to take, keep scrolling. We’ve got lots of good information for you below!
If you’re ready to get started improving your health, click below to set up your account and access our favorite, most trusted supplements and protocols!
Who needs supplements?
Are you wondering if you need supplements? The answer is probably yes!
While we do focus on using food as medicine, sometimes we could all use a little extra support through supplementation! Our farming practices have depleted nutrients in our soil and our food. A good multivitamin would benefit just about anyone.
Beyond poor farming practices, so many things in our modern culture (and just life in general) are nutrient-depleting and cause imbalances in the body—things you may not even think of, such as medications, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and stress.
Some conditions, such as autism, ADHD, acne, and even depression and anxiety, can be exacerbated by nutrient deficiencies!
What supplements are right for me?
Great question! Everyone’s needs are different. We believe in testing and not guessing when it comes to optimizing your health. Our favorite test for identifying vitamin and mineral deficiencies is the Genova Nutreval.
We truly believe this test should be completed by everyone yearly and is the ultimate in disease prevention and optimizing wellness.
In this YouTube video, we talk more about the test and who it’s for —just click here to watch!
How to choose high-quality supplements
It’s your job to be an informed consumer before purchasing supplements. It’s really important to understand how the supplement industry works and the oversight provided by the FDA when it comes to regulating supplements.
You can read more on the FDA website by clicking here, but here is the most important thing that anyone purchasing supplements needs to know:
The FDA does NOT approve or verify supplements for safety and effectiveness or even regulate labeling before they hit the market, and it’s up to supplement companies to ensure their products are safe.
Basically, nobody is making sure supplements contain what they say they contain OR that they don’t contain anything they aren’t claiming on the label. So, any ingredient can be present (or not) in any amount. The FDA will step in if adverse events are reported, but that’s after the product has been on the market.
So, which supplements are safe?
Our rule for choosing supplements is simple: We only recommend supplements from companies that third parties have verified. We hand select these and highlight them for you in our Fullscript store.
Click below to check it out!